Meet our Member: Amy Irwin

Can you tell us about your work and what you do?

Living in Australia for 12 years, my role was the EHO (Environmental Health Officer). This is a regulatory role within any Council structure. When it comes to food safety and inspection time for food businesses, it is typical a fear filled experience. The biggest fear of all was “will she close me down today?”. Over time I saw some Officers really throwing their weight around and on a pure power trip. That wasn’t my style. An opportunity became clear to me. With over ten years of experience in the bag why not use it in a proactive way. Time to provide a service that enables food businesses to prepare for their inspection and ultimately take the fear out of inspection time! And so Conscious Kitchens was born!

There is another leg to Conscious Kitchens. I have a keen passion for the environment and supporting local communities. The term ‘zero waste’ is getting bandied around in certain foodie circles these days. During my time as an EHO I could see the amount of food waste being created every day. It never made sense to me. Why not look at the whole food as an ingredient as opposed to just the flesh underneath the skin of a carrot, potato, or banana?? There had to be a use for all of it! As I dug into this a little deeper, I found that there is a solution to this. By providing a seasonal and local menu a food business can reduce their general waste significantly. My goal is to help you to “run a kitchen without a bin”!!

What keeps you well?

I did get sucked into the sea swimming craze of 2020!! I haven’t been very consistent lately. A love for essential oils 😊, Shakti dancing!! Personal development course and retreats e.g Wim Hoff & ice baths, human design (any other generators here!!).

My goal is to help you to “run a kitchen without a bin”!!

What has your co-working experience been like?

My trial days were excellent! It feels so good to be in a workspace that looks after everything so I can just focus on what I need to do. I could not ask for a more idyllic setting! So many fond memories of Cruzzo’s, dinners, weddings, working there briefly(!!!!), coming flooding back as I crossed over the bridge each day! I cannot recommend The View enough to people.

What's the best career advice you've received?

“I/You move the Universe moves” – I have proven this to myself dozens of times! Try it 😉 Make the move and watch what comes your way as a result basically.

Amy Irwin - Conscious Kitchens Founder

Amy Irwin - Founder - Conscious Kitchens

What's your favourite book/series/film and why?

Film: I am not a real movie buff but always remember loving the movie Men of Honour. Series: Suits!! Feel good factor – one million!! Books: Dan Browns books got me through many train journeys!

What does the future of work look like for you?

I am available to work with restaurants, cafes and takeaways that want to proactively prepare for their inspections and ultimately feel empowered, not fearful when it comes to inspection time. Possibly looking for a food business that would be open to exploring the zero-waste option with me over a 6 month period.

For now, I am very keen to base myself at The View for the foreseeable. Hopefully someday I will be busy enough to acquire one of the lovely offices with marina views. Thank you for the very warm welcome that I received from Niamh. You have made it feel like the right fit for me since I came through the door 😊

If you would like to get in touch with Amy please email

Catherine Crean

Freelance Web, Digital Marketing and SEO Pro's - Based in Dublin, Ireland

Planning for office space in 2023?


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